Wednesday, July 15, 2009

what is cooking there?

Oh dear...
what is the recipi for the cook-book on 'Smile~Wideeyed~Potion' (SWP) n the toolkit for the children in smallworldplay?
Coming soon...coming soon... echoed the bees, birds, butteflies and thee...
Give a little breather while we wait for the sun to dry the wet land so that we can smoothen the sand...


CPPD - Small World Play...

a revision on course content...

Therapeutic Use of Small World Play


This module introduces the participants to the use of dramatic representation using small play objects. Small world play is imaginative play where individuals are provided with small objects with which to play creating the small world. The individual is provided with a clearly defined private and delineated space such as at or under a small table, sand tray, play mat or in a small secluded corner.

In the process, current preoccupations, inner subconscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings are projected and transferred onto the objects in the ‘small world’. This provides the opportunity for therapeutic aims to be realized.

This is a six weeks learning cycle module and commences with a day workshop in week one. The workshop provides participants with an overview of the area of study as well as outlining the associated basic skills.

Participants will be invited to formulate their questions relevant to their clinical context. This provides the focus for their own individual action learning. The individual will be allocated to an action learning set (ALS).

A problem scenario pertinent to achieving the module outcomes is presented to the ALS. The ALS engages as a learning team in organising themselves to enquire, research, discuss and formulate their solutions to the presenting problem scenario.

The ALS present and publish their group findings and receive feedback from the facilitator and from the other ALS by week six. The learning activities are supported by two 2-hourly online group tutorial session for each set during week two and week five.

An online group supervision is provided to each ASL in week four/five to facilitate skills implementation and evaluation. The individual participant is expected to keep a personal learning journal of their learning experiences throughout the six week cycle. This is to include an evaluation and the learning acquired from their efforts in implementing the skills relevant to the module in their own respective work environment.


This module is intended to provide participants with the opportunity to develop the basic foundation skills of therapeutic play through the use of small world objects. This module is one of the many interrelated areas of therapeutic play which participants can decide to subscribe to in their CPPD.

Other related areas of therapeutic play module are the use of stories, role playing, puppets and masks etc. etc.

Intended Outcomes

At the end of the this module, the participant will be able to:

· Consider the positive relationship between play and psychological, emotional, cognitive and social development

· Consider how small world play could help in the assessment and identification of actual and potential issues, problems and needs of client(s)

· Utilise their facilitative skills to effectively engage clients in small world play towards their therapeutic intentions

· Evaluate their role and some the therapeutic outcomes of their client(s)

Indicative Contents

*The specific contents of each respective module in the CPPD programme is dependent on the baseline knowledge and skills of the participants of the cohort.

As the programme adopts an action learning approach to learning, the problems and challenges of practice that participants bring to the module will to a large extent determine the contents of the module.

The content will be pertinent to the necessary relevant skills and knowledge required to address the issues brought forth. The indicative contents listed below provide a suggestive area of focus and is negotiable with each cohort.

· The different elements of play and the psychology of play

· Developing, amplifying and extending small world play into story creation, role playing, improvisation and movement, etc.

· Observation and assessment of emotional and psychological issues through small world play

· Sourcing cultural and developmental relevant small world play objects for therapeutic intentions

· Skills of therapeutic play facilitation

· Using small world play throughout the developmental lifespan for various age related groups

· Therapeutic use of sand and water in small world play

· The unconscious and the collective conscious at play

· Setting up the therapeutic space for small world play

· The use of small world play in groups


· Attendance of the module workshop

· Satisfactory participation and contribution to the action learning set which is peer evaluated and assessed.

· Provide satisfactory evidence of critical self-reflection, analysis, evaluation and synthesis in their personal learning journal


Specific references, reading lists or bibliography will be provided as the group progresses in their engagement with their action learning sets and determine by direction and area of their learning interest and research. The reference below is intended to provide a brief introduction to area of study.

  • Stagnitti,K & Cooper, R (Editors) (2009) Play As Therapy: Assessment and Therapeutic Interventions Jessica Kingsley
  • Kalff, D. (2003) Sandplay: A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche Temenos Press

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Learning of Small World Play

Although the acronym "SWP"stands for Small World Play, it also keeps reminding me of Strength-Weakness -Potential. Being a 'graduate' of FTZ (free trade zone) in Bayan Lepas where Pg was also known as the Silicon Valley of the East with factories sprouting over acres of padi fields in the 1970s'... some of the terms I have to keep in mind then: Site of Choice, Good is not good enough when Excellence is expected, SWOT - Strength -Weaknesses -Opportunities -Threats.

I started my world of play in year 2005, not having a good understanding of what play was as I can't remember I really played when I was a child. I was more of a result orientated person, trained in a few US multinational corporations the last 25 years before I decided to take a break and really start to
P L A Y!

So what is really Small World Play after working 4 years with children applying play therapy? I had to scratch my head and thought for a moment... having to go back to basic again in the world of play. The big words on play therapy, sand therapy, art therapy, filial therapy and what other
therapies? For all I need to do is to be authentic, real and congruent when at 'play' with children.
I googled for small world play ... what is it all about? Is it something cooked up by Alex for the CPPD assignment to study play indepth, something simple yet unknown, creating a therapeutic relationship for the child and me. Somehow I managed to google on 'small world play' today while wrapping up the learning. Well I found a link least it is not on Disneyland.

Small World Play
Small world play is imaginative play where children are provided with small objects with which to play. This type of play is similar to role play put different in that the child creates the Small World and transfer their thoughts and feelings onto the objects.
The thoughts and feelings then belong to the object not the child. These objects are not "commercially bought toys" and are often made of natural or recycled materials. The materials are open ended and may include the following:
  • wood or cardboard boxes
  • wooden or cloth family figures, vehicles or animals
  • small blocks, shells, stones, seeds, feathers
  • wooden, metal or porcelain bowls, dishes, bottles, cups, trays
  • fabrics: silk, velvet, lace, voile, wool

The objects are often "fragile" and children learn to play in an appropriate manner. The child is provided with a clearly defined private and enclosed space such as at or under a small table or in a small secluded corner. This space provides the opportunity for the child to explore the materials alone or in a small group of two or three children. Types of materials provided are simple and appealing and materials are regularly rotated in order to regenerate interest, and extend or change the direction of play. Children are involved in the swapping of materials and the choosing of new objects which will be incorporated into the small world.

The role of the adult in Small World play is to sit nearby to support and observe the play and to provide sensitive non-intrusive responses.

Woh...gave me an idea to print this write-up in the SWP Toolkit if the team is serious in embarking on it. I'm still keeping the idea somewhere in the heart. Reflected on the toolkit and it seemed helpful for children chronically ill. At least mama or papa can lead them on their Small world play, or mama and papa can experience 'small world play' too having the toolkit...

I started on this module of Small World Play not knowing where I m heading for a moment. Before I realized this is more than just P L A Y, it is CPPD 2009 and I'm signed into it! The assignments are coming, the tutorial sessions, journal in my blog, more reading on resources posted, pose discussions on elagg, mind miester, slide share, google doc.... this is really 'NO PLAY PLAY la!!'

With Dreamadream running parallel with this SWP, I was 'MIA' (missing in action) for a while... I must admit that if not for the committed members in our ALS; Melinda, Seok Binn, I-ling and Phaik Nie I may be struggling to get link up in the different sites. Sia sia - gan en - mei li ter" members. The e-learn part is so advanced, with new tools added. Something different from CPPD 2007.

The team came together on skype and we had 4 lengthy meetings to work on the Mission Impossible from Alex. Assignments were organized among the group members by Melinda. I had my training online there n then from Melinda and I-ling on google doc, mind miester and slide share. Within 2 weeks we did manage to come out with the cook book for SWP. A lot of information was being goggle and posted on Google doc by Phaik Nie, Seok Binn, Melinda and I-ling . I benefitted reading the abundant information which helped me to revise what i have learned and practiced. Thank you beautiful ladies...

Finally came the presentation day for SWP on July 6 2009, where the team stood together to do a face-to-face presentation to a small audience with Alex in Disted College after our class on Therapeutic story. Our charming I-LING was the presenter. A few questions were posed and at some point it made us lost for words..."but not abandoning the ship" as it may seemed to be. I take off my hat to I-ling and Melinda for being 'cool' and explained to their best level... "Ladies u r not alone...we are on this learning experience together and it is such moments that will make us stronger and learn better"...

How would I rate myself in this module?
How much did I learn further to enhance my play skills?
Which area I could have done better?

Where will SWP takes me to?
Who will benefit from SWP?

Why the need for SWP?

The questions can go on and on......whether I find an answer for each one in this learning process and put it to real practice as I continued the journey. This is only the beginning not the end.

I must admit that I did not spent much time in the learning process of Small World Play, trying to understand and compare the difference between play therapy where there is a tool kit of creative items and now it is only small items confined to a tray, a mat or a corner of the room when at play. How can I be creative in the SWP at that very moment and think beyond?

I could have done better participating right from the beginning, having better time management even if I have another project on.

I see the potential in SWP if I will to give it more time and revisit it again, trying it out on myself and others, understanding the strength and limitations.

I find the following Questions as useful guidelines when viewing children small world play: (thanks ALS members for posting it up)

1. Where are the energy spots

2. Where are the trouble/

problems spots?

3. Is there energy that can be

used for resolution?

Indications of a solution?

4. Where is the real self?
5. What kind of groupings are

6. What types of problems are

indicated in the small world

7. Are there sources of strength

or help in the small world play?

8. What figures have been used - and how?

9. What are the relationships between figures?

10. What are the dynamic - static natures of the tray?

11. Consider chaotic, empty, organised elements

12. What's been buried?

13. Gut feeling - listen with heart - analyzes with head

Learning is no end, though it may seem simpler than play therapy, yet there is so much of hidden gems if I allow myself to be immerse in it. After all it is being SIMPLE that helps me to see the real small world within me. Finally the journey continues for me to explore further on the unknown...

Be authentic... Be congruent ....
Be simple ...

*My heartfelt thanks to Alex and members of my ALS: Crystal, Cheng, I-Ling, Melinda, Phaik Nie, Seok Binn and special guest Jo for constantly reading and commenting on my blog. Wish all of you well, safe and happy always...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Small Play Big Effects by MsX10

"Ladies and Gentelmen, Good evening... Gam- Sia very very much for your time, now is 6.30pm June 5. Let us put our hands together and Welcome Miss X10 who will take us through on:
Small Play and BIG EFFECTS
MsX10, our young and promising 'Counselor of the Year"....

So sit back n relax while Miss X10 will connect us to Small World Play Centre...."
shhh...want to start aledi, quiet,

"Our Finance and Marketing Managers: Seok Binn and Melinda presenting the Small World Kit with a self-instructional guide on how Small World Play can be carried out.
Different types of small items and background scene come with the kit."

"Small world play very good man...ho-yeah... Everyone also can play-play want."

I tried hard to insert the video presentation of I-Ling, Seok-Binn and Melinda's, but cannot as the file was too big at 356MB + 105MB= 471MB, really big la . Probably u will see in You-tube instead.

The SWP ALS did a life presentation on Jun 5 after the CPPD workshop to Alex, Jo, Elaine, Min See and Daniel. It was a learning experience for the team to be together during this presentation. Questions were asked by the audience in the SWP... our dear X10 was cool to tackle all of them... though at certain moments we seemed not to help her out... Guess we were 'caught too' and not that we abandoned her. For a moment I felt that we needed the encouragement rather than be questioned. Guess that is learning... The group's determination was high that we want to go ahead with the presentation though Alex said that he will waited on July 14 instead.
At least we have an opportunity to do a F2F together rather than on skype.

The small world kit and the guide book gave us some thoughts and challenge as to whether we will make this happen in reality. An organization out there who is able to fund this project... Let's not close the book after this, but put the project somewhere in our hearts and wait for that opportunity...
M grateful of learning all the hi-tech links from the 3 lovely ladies: Melinda, Seok Binn and X10 (the youngest n most special)...

King Natta n the Monster...

Once a upon a time in the kingdom of Nicca lived a king named Natta. King Natta always had his people at heart, making sure there is enough food especially for the poor families. One day King Natta with his wisdom was asked to help a neighbouring country who was very poor and the people were suffering because of the drought season. King Natta set out to the neighbour country bringing with him his 3 wise generals, many types of seeds and seedlings.

Not too long after King Natta had left, a very strong wind blew across the kingdom of Nicca. The palace guards quickly ran to close the windows but they were not in time to close the last one…. A strong gush of wind came through the window and immediately the presence of a monster was felt, though not seen… there was a stench. Soon the monster was visible and the 7 palace guards were shock to see its presence.
They immediately armed themselves with sticks and tried to push the monster toward the entrance of the palace. Red-Guard shouted “monster… you have no right to be in the palace of King Natta!” Ora-Guard said “Get out before King Natta is back… “ Yel-Guard “you are so smelly and dirty!” Gre-Guard said: “Don’t touch our King Natta’s throne, you skunk!” With every unkind words uttered from the 7-Guards, the Monster became bigger and bigger and the stench was horrendous. Monster was gnashing its teeth “grrh…grrh…” and tried to avoid the sticks trouncing on it flaking and crusty body.
The Monster grew in size becoming bigger and bigger… the eyes were rage with fury! Puffing heavily…”arrh…arrh…arrh…” were raising its fist on the guards.

At this very moment, King Natta appeared! When he saw the monster he quickly approached it while 7 –guards tried to stop him, fearing harm from the monster. King Natta reached out his hand “Hello monster… welcome to the kingdom of Nicca… You must have been very tired, hungry and thirsty…, please take a seat on the throne… 7-Guards please prepare icetehtarik, meemambo and icecream with choco toppings for our guest… Please bring the fragrant bungamelor towel to refresh our guest, don’t forget the sayang-layang fruits from our garden too…”

Monster’s eyes brightened and
welled with tears … that King Natta was indeed a wisdom king of compassion: to nurse when it is hurt, to feed when it is hungry, to love when no one cares…
7-Guards applied Karuna oil on the monster and massage the flaking and crusty body… Feeling the compassionate touch from 7-Guards … and every kind and loving words from King Natta, the monster became smaller and smaller
and smaller and smaller … And with the last kind word from King Natta, monster vanished from the palace…

The story of King Natta and the monster was told to children chronically-ill… I tell this story to children in the chronic ward. When I finished the story, I asked the child who is King Natta and who is Monster? I had a child who told me “He is King Natta and the Cancer is the monster”… I smiled at the boy… had a moment of silence and said: “yes, you are King Natta, now we will say nice words to monster ya… and monster will be smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller…”

The original story the King and the monster was told by Ajahn Brahm, an English Buddhist Monk from Australia.

Children who are chronically ill create stories of Hope mainly on drawings, though non-verbal most times. They seemed to know life is fragile though not expressed verbally. How do I answer a child when she told me "I m going to die... "please ask Jesus to pray for me..." or a hand gesture 'waving goodbye' and maintaining the eye contact.

The child was reaching out to the telephone: "ring...ring...ring... Anybody there, if only someone understand what i m going through, my fears, my pain. When will all the chemo be over and my hair will grow back again... Will I ever go to school? Will I see my classmates again...
*Will ask Mama to make me a pair of wings to fly to heaven..."